Thursday, January 28, 2016

You may not sing Old MacDonald Had a Farm to her baby, thinking that you have no voice? You'd be surprised, but the voice data have no meaning in this useful process These magical songs help baby relax and fall asleep, but also have a beneficial therapeutic effect. The history of the life of my friend's daughter was born a rather feeble. The first time she went to sleep poorly, constantly crying, as if something has been disturbed. Light did not know what to do to put the baby and began to think about shopping some incredible mattresses and bracelets for the crumbs that are actively offered in online stores. But the solution to the problem was much closer and easier than she thought. She helped a Old MacDonald Had a Farm! Light in the presence of daughter started humming a tune, and the baby suddenly calmed down. The next day a friend had deliberately sang a Old MacDonald Had a Farm. After a while, the girl began to fall asleep quickly and less capricious When I was the fourth time in two weeks was asked if I sing my songs to the future child, I thought. Why the kid who was not born yet and is in the belly of my mother, singing songs? And can I deprive my unborn child something important, abandoning singing during pregnancy? Why in recent years in many schools for mothers teach singing? What is it - a pleasant entertainment, a way to relax or, indeed, an effective way of prenatal development of the child? Let us turn to history. Correctly say: everything is new - is well forgotten old. As it turned out, the roots of this current newfangled lie very deep. The therapeutic effect of music on the body of the unborn child is known since ancient times. Music is one of the arts that cause the strongest response in the human soul. It can have a direct impact on his emotional world. Aristotle argued that using music in a certain way, you can influence the formation of human character. For example, in China 2000 years ago, practiced prenatal effects on the child many hours of singing. The Chinese believed that life begins at conception, and therefore it is necessary to educate the child immediately after conception. In Japan, the pregnant women were placed in a special community, located in a beautiful area, where he held the aesthetic and musical education of mother and unborn child. In ancient times in the East, there was a belief that the wedding every girl should weave the carpet itself, but during pregnancy the expectant mother should be the child's soul to weave strands of music of his voice. Until recently, the Nordic countries have been commonplace for a long time when pregnant women were sitting on the stairs of his house and sang folk and religious songs.

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