Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Ten in the Bed Children's folklore is one of the areas of folklore. Large selection of texts and works there is an adult, and among children, but the technique of execution, lexical and stylistic compositions differ significantly. Turning to the children's environment, most of the borrowed text is rearranged in accordance with the peculiarities of the child's mind. They serve as an informative and educational and entertainment functions. Many works of children's folklore passed to children so long ago that the memory of that loss, the other works in the children's folklore passed recently.Traditionally, there are two areas in which there is the completion of the children's folklore. On the one hand, folklore adults adapt to the child's environment. On the other, the children themselves are the product, tailored to the child's perception of the world (scary stories, sadistic verses). But there is a third way - the creation of older works, specifically designed for children (poetry nurturing, lullabies). Adaptation of adult folklore involves the simplification of the plot, bringing the conflict in the most entertaining, creating memorable images of bright, simplification of the language. Often used rhymed account of events, text differs simple language, clear expression, and momentum.There is a direct transfer from an adult environment in children's individual works such as songs. This is primarily a satirical, skomoroshnye songs. When contained in the works of satire ceases to be clear, leave in the past gave rise to its social phenomenon, texts no longer repeated and forgotten by adults. Ritual songs transferred to the children in the places where adults no longer aware of them as part of the ritual. Thus, the custom of caroling disappeared among the adult population, but remained among the children, who see it as a component of the New Year holiday. Often these works are the basis for word games. Children are attracted to their bright form and an interesting plot, unusual situations, the transfer functions of the animal people. Works such as "As my grandmother goat", "Matchmaking owl", "Death of a mosquito," "War of mushrooms" turned into the usual game. Over time, games and folk drama start to prevail only among children. According to the conclusion, MN Melnikova, "children's folklore is a specific area of ??folk art that combines the world of children and the adult world, including the whole system of poetic and musical-poetic genre."

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